Photograph taken by artist Sebastien Boncy, 2019.
Courtesy of the artist's visual archive "Purple Time Space Swamp."
Artist Sebastien Boncy's long-term project Purple Time Space Swamp creates a visual narrative of the city of Houston, TX, which is often defined by its"lack of order" and dense population. Boncy's work highlights the subtleties of this sprawling city, focusing on Houston as "a city of sprawl and fragmentation, strange juxtapositions and surprises, and color."In a recent Texas Monthly article, authored by Daniel Oppenheimer, Boncy takes readers through his creative photographing process and his focus on the vast green terrains of the city that are interrupted by man-made architecture, and the absence of people in these spaces.
“We talk about showing something warts and all, but I think his work actually celebrates the warts. It’s that kind of love where you celebrate the fat rolls in the hips of your lover.” -Vinod Hopson